Aircraft engine design /

Mattingly, Jack D.

Aircraft engine design / Jack D. Mattingly , William H. Heiser, David T. Pratt - 2nd ed. - Reston American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics c. 2002 - xxvii, 687 p. gráficos, tablas - AIAA Education Series . - Przemieniecki, John. S. .

Apéndices, índice alfabético y títulos de la Serie, al final del libro.

Indice Alfabético

The design process :
Introduction. Designing Is Different. The Need. Our Approach. The Wheel Exists. Charting the course. Units. The atmosphere. Compressible flow relationships. Looking ahead. Example request for proposal. Mission terminology. References Constraint analysis :
Concept. Design tools. Preliminary estimates for constraint analysis
Example constraint analysis. References
Mission analysis :
Concept. Design tolos. Aircraft weight and fuel consumtion data .Example misión analysis. References Engine selection : parametric cycle analysis :
Concept. Design tolos. Finding promising solutions. Example engine selection: Parametric cycle analysis. References Engine selection : performance cycle analysis :
Concept. . Design tolos. Component behavior. Example engine selection: performance cycle analysis. Reference Sizing the engine : installed performance :
Concept. Design tolos. AEDsys software implementation of installation losses. example tnstalled performance and final engine sizing. AAF Engine performance. Reference Engine component design : global and interface quantities :
Concept. Design tolos. Engine systems design. Example engine global and interface quantities. Reference. Engine component design : rotating turbomachinery : Concept. Design tolos. Example AAF engine component desidn: rotating. Turbomachinery. References Engine component design : combustion systems :
Concept. Design tools--Main burner. Design tools--Afterburners. Example engine component design: combustión systems. References Engine component design : inlets and exhaust nozzles :
Concept. Inlets. exhaust nozzles. Example engine component design: inlet and exhaust nozzle. Reference



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