Principles of mechanics

Synge, John L.

Principles of mechanics John L. Synge , Byron A. Griffith - 3rd ed. - New York McGraw-Hill - xvii, 552 p. gráficos

Ejercicios, al final de cada capítulo Lecturas recomendadas, respuestas a ejercicios e índice alfabético, al final del libro

Foundations of mechanics Methods of plane statics Applications in plane statics Plane kinematics Methods of plane dynamics Applications in plane dynamics. Motion of a particle Applications in plane dynamics. Motion of a rigid body and of a system Plane impulsive motion Products of vectors Statics in space Kinematics. Kinetic energy and angular momentum Methods of dynamics in space Applications in dynamics in space. Motion of a particle Applications in dynamics in space. Motion of a rigid body The equations of Lagrange and Hamilton Hamiltonian methods Theory of vibrations The special theory of relativity