The aerodynamics of heavy vehicles trucks, buses and trains

The aerodynamics of heavy vehicles trucks, buses and trains - 1st? ed. - Berlin Springer 2004 - 567 p. il. byn - Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics 19 . - Pfeiffer, Friedrich series editor Wriggers, Peter series editor .

Actas de la conferencia de Monterrey, California, 2002, de Engineering Conferences International (ECI).

Aerodynamics and other efficiencies in transporting goods MacCready, Paul B. Commercial vehicle aerodynamic drag reduction : historical perspective as a guide Cooper, Kevin R. The status of detached-eddy simulation for bluff bodies Spalart, Philippe R. Squires, Kyle D. Exploring the flow around simplified bus with large eddy simulation and topological tools Krajnovic, Sinisa. Davison, Lars. Unsteady flow around cylinders with cavities Iaccarino, G. Durbin, P. Talley, S. Complex CFD for everyday use. Practical applications for vehicle analysis Wurtzler, Ken Large eddy simulation of flow around the Ahmed body Hinterberger, C. García-Villalba, M. Rodi, W. Detached-eddy simulation of the ground transportation system Maddox, Stephen. Squires, Kyle D. Wurtzler, Ken E. Forsythe, James R. Time dependent vs. steady state calculations of external aerodynamics Basara, B. Tibaut, P. Aerodynamics of ground vehicles. Toward reliable and affordable CFD Kim, Sung-Eun. Improved tractor-trailer integration and aerodynamics through the use of CFD Wong, Alec. Large eddy simulation of turbulence via Lattice Boltzmann based approach : fundamental physics and practical apllications Chen, Hudong. Aspects of CFD application to vehicle aerodynamic design Gosman, David. PIV study of the near wake of a pickup truck Bernal, Luis. Al-Garni, Abdullah M. Applications of DDPIV to studies associated with road vehicles Gharib, Mory. Pereira, Francisco. Castaño Graff, Emilio. Molecular tagging velocimetry (MTV) and its automotive applications Koochesfahani, M. M. Goh, A. C. Schock, H. J. Quantitative flow visualization for large scale wind tunnels Bömmels, R. Machacek, M. Landolt, A. Röesgen, T. An experimental study of the generic conventional model Satran, Dale. The measurement of wake and gap flows of the Generic Conventional Truck Model (GCM) using three-component PIV Heineck, James T. Walker, Stephen, M. Satran, Dale. On the aerodynamics of tractor-trailers Hammache, M. Browand, F. RANS simulations of a simplified tractor/trailer geometry Roy, Christopher. Payne, Jeffrey. McWerther-Payne, Mary. Salari, Kambiz. Computational simulation of a heavy vehicle trailer wake Ortega, Jason M. Dunn, Tim. McCallen, Rose. Salari, Kambiz. Drag reduction of two-dimensional bodies by addition Arcas, D. R. Redekopp, L. G. Drag reduction of a tractor-trailer using planar boat tail plates Coon, J. D. Visser, K. D. RANS simulations of passive and active drag reduction devices for a road vehicle Iaccarino, G. Maio, B. de. Verzicco, R. Khalighi, B. Pneumatic heavy vehicle aerodynamic drag reduction, safety enhancement, and performance improvement Englar, Robert J. Base flaps and oscillatory perturbations to decrease base drag Hsu, Tsun-Ya. Hammache, Mustapha. Browand, Fred. Use of computational aerodynamics for commercial vehicle development at DaimlerChrysler Urban, Jürgen. Numerical simulation of the flow about a train model Barakat, Samira. Schwanborn, Dieter. Numerical simulation of the flow about a train model Barakat, Samira. Schwanborn, Dieter. Adaptation of eddy-viscosity turbulence models to unsteady separated flow behind vehicles Menter, F. R. Kuntz, M. Simulation of vehicle aerodynamics using a vortex element method Daeninck, Goéric. Winckelmans, Grégoire. Chatelain, Philippe. Rubel, Michael. Leonard, Anthony. Energetic and CFD modeling considerations of thermal management Gielda, Thomas. Measurement of underhood temperatures with various ventilations Dupree, Ronald. Measurement and analysis of underhood ventilation air flow and temperatures for an off-road machine Sofu, Tanju. Chang, Fon-Chieh. Dupree, Ron. Malipeddi, Srinivas. Uppuluri, Sudhindra. Shapiro, Steven. Flow field and thermal management analysis of an armored vehicle engine compartment Kunz, Robert. Salman, Nameer. Experiments and CFD in train aerodynamics : a young and turbulent association full of potential Gregoire, Remi. Recent studies of train slipstreams Johnson, T. Dalley, S. Temple J. Aerodynamic effects in railway tunnels as speed is increased Bourquin, V. Bégiun, C. Monkewitz, P. A. Flow-induced vibration of high-speed trains in tunnels Suzuki, Masahiro. How to reduce the cross wind sensivity of trains Peters, Jean-Luc. CFD study of side wind effects on a high speed train Fauchier, Christian. Do, Huu-Thi. Gregoire, Remi Commercial CFD code validation for heavy-vehicle external aerodynamics simulation Pointer, W. David. Sofu, Tanju. Weber, David. Computational parametric study on external aerodynamics of heavy trucks Bayraktar, Ilhan. Baysal, Oktay. Applicability of the vortex methods for aerodynamics of heavy vehicles Kamemoto, Kyoji. Ojima, Akira. Development of a wind tunnel model counting configuration for heavy duty trucks Martínez, Jorge. Jain, Sunil. A ground-based research vehicle for base drag studies at subsonic speeds Diebler, Corey. Smith, Mark. Splash and spray measurement and control : recent progress in Quebec Dumas, G. Lemay, J. Wind-tunnel evaluation of an aerodynamic heat exchanger Gaeta, R. J. Englar, R. J. Blaylock, G. Automated driving of trucks and buses : opportunities for increasing productivity and safety while reducing fuel use and emissions Shladover, Steven



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