Handbook of railway vehicle dynamics /

Handbook of railway vehicle dynamics / edited by Simon Iwnicki. - Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC , 2006. - 535 p. il. byn, gráficos.

Colección de artículos temáticos de diferentes autores. Índice alfabético p. 527-535.

Indice Alfabético Introduction / Simon Iwnicki. A history of railway vehicle dynamics / A. H. Wickens. The anatomy of railway vehicle running gear / Anna Orlova and Yuri Boronenko. Wheel-rail contact / Jean-Bernard Ayasse and Hugues Chollet. Tribology of the wheel-rail contact / Ulf Olofsson and Roger Lewis. Track issues / Tore Dahlberg. Gauging issues / David M. Johnson. Railway vehicle derailment and prevention / Huimin Wu and Nicolas Wilson. Longitudinal train dynamics / Colin Cole. Noise and vibration from railway vehicle / David Thompson and Chris Jones. Active suspensions / R. M. Goodall and T. X. Mei. Simulation / Oldrich Polach, Mats Berg, and Simon Iwnicki. Field testing and instruments of railway vehicles / Julian Stow and Evert Julian Andersson. Roller rigs / Weihua-Dai Zhang, Weihua, Shen-Zhiyun Huanyun, and Jing Zeng. Scale testing / P. D. Allen.



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