Jane's. World's aircraft recognition handbook

Jane's. World's aircraft recognition handbook , Derek Wood - 5th. ed. - Coulsdon Jane's Information Group - 632 p. il. byn

The basics of recognition Teaching recognition Guided missiles Aircraft and guided weapon designations Combat aircraft of the nations Civil aircraft registrations Jet, swept wing, fuselage engine(s) Jet, swept wing, flank/root engine(s) Jet, swept wing, underwing engines Jet, swept wing, rear engines Jet, straight wing, rear engines Jet, delta wing Jet, variable geometry Stealth Jet, straight wing, fuselage/wing engine(s) Twin propellers, low/mid wing Twin propellers, high/shoulder wing Four propellers Single propeller, low wing, retractable undercarriage Single propeller, low wing, fixed undercarriage Single propeller, high/shoulder wing Amphibians, biplanes, twin boom aircraft Helicopter, single rotor, light Helicopter, single rotor, medium/heavy; twin rotors


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