Spacecraft systems engineering /

Spacecraft systems engineering / edited by Peter Fortescue, John Stark, and Graham Swinerd. - 3rd. ed. - Chichester : John Wiley , c. 2003. - xxvi, 678 p. il. byn, tablas, gráficos

Indice analítico y lista de acrónimos, en páginas preliminares. Colección de artículos temáticos. Conclusiones, al final de cada artículo. Indice alfabético, al final del libro.

Indice Alfabético

Introduction / John P. W. Stark, Graham G. Swinerd and Adrian R. L. Tatnall. The spacecraft environment and its effect on design / John P.W. Stark. Dynamics of spacecraft / Peter W. Fortescue. Celestial machanics /
John P. W. Stark, Graham G. Swinerd and Peter W. Fortescue.
Mission analysis /
John P. Stark and Graham G. Swinerd.
Propulsion systems /
J.Barrie Moss and John P. W. Stark. Launch Vehicles /
J. Barrie Moss and Graham E. Dorrington. Spacecraft structures /
John M. Houghton.
Attitude control /
Peter W. Fortescue and Graham G. Swinerd.
Electrical power systems / John P. W. Stark. Thermal control of spacecraft / Chris J. Savage. Tele-communications / Howard Smith and Ray E. Sheriff. Telemetry, command, data handling and processing / Nigel P. Fillery and David Stanton. Ground stations / Richard Holdaway. Spacecraft mechanisms / H. Mervyn Briscoe and Guglielmo S. Aglietti. Spacecraft electromagnetic compatibility engineering / Ken M. Redford. Product assurence / Thomas A. Meaker. Small-satelite engineering and applications / Martin N. Sweeting and Craig I. Underwood. Spacecraft system engineering / Adrian R. L. Tatnall, John B. Farrow and C. Richard Francis.


